Our Services

Our Services

Our firm has ties with International law firm in the UK. Our firm and our International partner provide expertise in areas relating to corporate immigration, transnational commercial litigation, arbitration, complex family matters and other legal matters as sought by our client, both in India and in the UK.

  1. Our legal assistance involves a review of client’s credentials in order to ascertain and maximise the eligibility and possibility for immigration to the UK.
  2. We prioritise understanding how your commercial arrangement fits into your wider business strategy and the key risks and opportunities that this presents. Our attention to your specific needs means we provide you with focussed legal and strategic advice that goes to the value of your deal.
  3. We also assist in the preparation and review of documents.
  4. We also attend meetings or participate in conference calls (if required) with officials and/or local authorities or agencies or any other third parties in relation to the Scope of Legal Services
  5. We strive to provide assistance and prepare any additional documentation and/or information required or requested in the matter.
  6. We strive to Promptly advice the client of any communications from the concerned authorities.
  7. We provide practical and professional insights and advice to maximise client’s interests.
  8. Our Firm strives to keep our clients informed of progress and developments, and responds within a reasonable time to the inquiries and communications.
  9. The legal services provided to the Client by the Law Firm are based on the facts of the specific assignment as provided by the Client.
  10. We perceive the confidence of our clients as one of our most important assets of our firm.

The consideration for rendering legal services requisitioned by the Client is directly proportionate though not limited to the following criteria:

  • the time spent in fulfilling the assignment;
  • the qualifications and experience of the attorney or employee performing the assignment, and the resources required for fulfilling the assignment;
  • the business interest involved;
  • the risks assumed (if any) in fulfilling the assignment; and
  • the time constraints for fulfilling the assignment.

Note: Legal services only include the provision of legal assistance within the scope of the assignment agreed with the Client.

Should you have any questions

Please Email us. – info@prashantchandra.co

Please Contact us. – +91-9897739269

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Talents Behind Our Success

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